Thursday, July 30, 2009

37 Random Things About Me

25 random things about me!

1.I laughed all the way through the movie the grudge..
2.I love cats and dogs.. I have one cat named cinnamon.
3.Horror is the best thing they could have ever made.
4.I love MMORPG's, Its an addiction really.
5.Shopping is my zen..
6.I go to Robert Morris College.
7. I am an freshman.
8.My favorite movie is Bambi...
9.I am a total bookworm.. I need to get back into it though..
10. I suck at math..
11.I love science.
12.I still watch authur.
13.I love to do arts and crafts.
14.I was a GrilScout for 11 yrs.
15.Madagascar was my movie.. I like to move it, move it!!
16.My major is Computer Networking Systems.
17.Thinks Wes Craven is a genius!! ( no relation by the way!)
18.I love to write poetry... helps me calm down.
19. I want to go to the Islands and travel the world.
20.Trying to figure out this game of LIFE... ironic its an actual game.
21.Thinks throwback games and shows should make a big comeback.
22.Loves to watch the stars!
23.Is wondering why big bird never grew up...
24.says " Pink is not a color, its a attitude"
25.Overuses the term LOL...
26. Was once a model.. trying to get back into it.. ( I used to model for Motions, PCJ, and Kiddie Kuts)
27.Loves reading Shakespearean poems and anything old..
28.My former teacher Ms.Brown got me hooked on Canterbury Tales, Beowulf, Elizabeth, and The other Boleyn girl.
29.Used to watch slimetime on nickelodeon..
30.Thought out of the box was the stuff
31. Really misses hey arnold!, rocket power, the weekenders, and old school power rangers
32.Thinks religion is not that important.. but, doesnt knock others for thinking so
33. Was never really the cheerleader type.. (for multiple reasons)
34.Worships Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, R.L Stein, J.RR Toliken, and J.K Rowling
35. Hates Java Programming.. Its frustrating
36. I saying hint " If you like what you see, put a ring on it!" (guess everyone)
37.Has an addiction to clothes and jewelry

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