Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Frizzy Girls Anonymous

Alot of women of all races face the battle of the frizz daily. The hair ranges from fine and lackluster to thick, wavy, and downright curly! There is a way to combat the battle of the frizz. This product is just one of the many ways that will make your life 10 times easier.

Conair Ionic Ceramic Styler Dryer is one of the best economic frizz fighters I have found. I know being a college student and a tough economy that every dollar counts. The Conair Ionic Ceramic Styler works with your hair by having negative ions. Negative ions prevent the hair from getting frizzy along with the use of a serum beforehand. It is also lightweight being under 3 lbs. The best features of this Dryer is that it has a cool shot button to lock in a style and it has a straightening pic to smooth out curls and frizz.

I actually got just this dryer two days ago and will be trying it out on my thick, curly, and wavy hair. My hair is hard to style at home so, I hope this dryer is up to the challenge since I am sans relaxer. This is the beginning of my relaxer free hair regimen.

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