Thursday, July 30, 2009

37 Random Things About Me

25 random things about me!

1.I laughed all the way through the movie the grudge..
2.I love cats and dogs.. I have one cat named cinnamon.
3.Horror is the best thing they could have ever made.
4.I love MMORPG's, Its an addiction really.
5.Shopping is my zen..
6.I go to Robert Morris College.
7. I am an freshman.
8.My favorite movie is Bambi...
9.I am a total bookworm.. I need to get back into it though..
10. I suck at math..
11.I love science.
12.I still watch authur.
13.I love to do arts and crafts.
14.I was a GrilScout for 11 yrs.
15.Madagascar was my movie.. I like to move it, move it!!
16.My major is Computer Networking Systems.
17.Thinks Wes Craven is a genius!! ( no relation by the way!)
18.I love to write poetry... helps me calm down.
19. I want to go to the Islands and travel the world.
20.Trying to figure out this game of LIFE... ironic its an actual game.
21.Thinks throwback games and shows should make a big comeback.
22.Loves to watch the stars!
23.Is wondering why big bird never grew up...
24.says " Pink is not a color, its a attitude"
25.Overuses the term LOL...
26. Was once a model.. trying to get back into it.. ( I used to model for Motions, PCJ, and Kiddie Kuts)
27.Loves reading Shakespearean poems and anything old..
28.My former teacher Ms.Brown got me hooked on Canterbury Tales, Beowulf, Elizabeth, and The other Boleyn girl.
29.Used to watch slimetime on nickelodeon..
30.Thought out of the box was the stuff
31. Really misses hey arnold!, rocket power, the weekenders, and old school power rangers
32.Thinks religion is not that important.. but, doesnt knock others for thinking so
33. Was never really the cheerleader type.. (for multiple reasons)
34.Worships Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, R.L Stein, J.RR Toliken, and J.K Rowling
35. Hates Java Programming.. Its frustrating
36. I saying hint " If you like what you see, put a ring on it!" (guess everyone)
37.Has an addiction to clothes and jewelry

Walk A Mile In My Shoes

walk a mile in my shoes and you will see what i see
i see building burning and dying trees
i see people dying and the elderly
walk a mile in my shoes
and you will see what i see
friendships ending and hopes of families
dogs barking and rampid police

walk a mile in my shoes
and you will see what i see
beautiful lush gardens on the banks of the Mississippi
walk a mile in my shoes and see what i see
the bustling city of Chicago
and the countryside of Tennessee
a hope for a black president
a new beginning for our country

walk a mile in my shoes
and you will see what i see
children getting better educations
and a lame economy
people not getting judged by color
but, by the content of their character

walk a mile in shoes
and you will see what i see
the heart of the country
and people of every color, race, and creed uniting
global warming and ice glaciers melting

walk a mile in my shoes
and see what i see
you would be surprised
how everything looks differently

Artistic Flow Of A College Student

I used to believe in writing poems and love notes
I wonder what happened to them?
My mind seems boggled from writers block
Twisting and turning inside
My imagination went dead, no creations coming out of my head
I always wondered what it would be like challenged
I wrote this poem so that it could be said
Sparks do not fly, no lightbulb hear
Yet, this poem is so dear
So, if anyone reads this just know
That I used to believe in writing poems and love notes
Wait, here is my artistic flow…

*Comment Please*


My Dream Now Realized

I would say since I was eight or nine has have been wanting to get into the modeling industry. I know there alot of scams out there and they just love to exploit people. I figured that if I let that hold me back then my dream would not have a chance to become a reality. As this may sound corny for many, it is not for me. I know people see the skinny and tall fashion runway models and get discouraged. Everyone does not look like the models that you see in Teen Vogue or the latest issue of Fitness magazine.

They have finally realized that more women are not a size 0 or 4. They have shattered the glass of the so called model stereotype. People are unique and come in all different shapes. I did not think I could become a model and when they said I was "Plus-Size" I was a little offened. They assured me that plus-size does not mean FAT but, CURVY.. Ok, I can accept that. I have learned to love my body for what it is and not let the media brain-washing.

This is a lesson to be learned for all. Love yourself no matter what others may think of you. Loving yourself is the first step to letting someone else love you.

By the way, I just got a call for model casting... I am too stoked!!!

Random Post

It's funny how we judge others on by what they look like, sound like, or even how they walk. I know this might not sound like one of my usual posts. so, how should we judge people, if anyone at all. So, here is a little bit about who I am:

Who I am, Let's see.. we have to look in the depths of our inner souls. Who am I? A young woman that is growing everyday. Who am I? A person that wants to see the world change for the better. Who am I? I am a person who doesn't want to be judged by her cover. Who am I? I am a bird with a endless direction and so with so many choices ahead. Who am I? I am like any other person who wants to find their true love in life. Who am I? I am a person full of ambition, will, and strength. Who am I? I am a eagle that flies high in the sky without a care in the world. Who am I? I am a beautiful, talented, and sophisticated young woman that knows noone can make her inferior without her consent. Who am I? I am the child that was brought into this world to make my parents proud. Who am I? I am what I shape myself to be. Who am I?
I am a future Engineer, that's right! who am I? I am everything that you dream a good person would be. Who am I? you will just have to wait and see who I will turn out to be!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm a Model, I'm a Plus - Size Model

Yes, you heard it right.. I'm a model, I'm a plus size model... Well, since I last blogged things have been going great. Me and the bf are doing great. My dad has made major improvements in his health. I'm doing better in school and now am more focused then ever. I just got a casting call for the Twilight trilogy. I really hope I get to the part. Even if I am just an extra doing a flying leap across the screen for like 2 seconds. It would the chance of a lifetime.

Just wanted to give an update


For the last couple of months I have had insomnia. I guess it is because I take naps during the day. I wondering if their is really anything that would put me to sleep.
Should I try unisom sleep melts?

I know this post is really random but, I needed to get that out.